追求卓越 成就未来

追求卓越 成就未来

Glory Last Forever



April 26, 2021


Dear ZL Li,


Congratulations on your admission to the University of Illinois College of Law, Master of Laws (LL.M.) program to start in the Fall 2021 term. Gaining admission to Illinois Law is an accomplishment of which you should be enormously proud. The University of Illinois is ranked #15 in the United States among public universities and is ranked #6 in the country for its international student population. 恭喜,您从2021年秋季学期开始入读伊利诺伊大学法学院法学硕士(LL.M.)课程。获得伊利诺伊州法律是一个成就,您应该为此感到非常自豪。伊利诺伊大学在美国公立大学中排名第15位,其国际学生人数在美国排名第6位。



We hope the following information will assist you in making your decision to join us. 我们希望以下信息将帮助您做出加入我们的决定。



Degree Concentrations: Illinois Law is known for its strengths in several areas. Students can earn degree concentrations in Corporate Law, Commercial Law and Trade; Criminal Law; Intellectual Property & Technology Law; International and Comparative Law; Justice, Democracy, and Legal Rights; as well as Regulation, Sustainability, and Compliance by taking just over one-third of their courses in any of these fields. 学位集中度:伊利诺伊州法律以其在多个领域的优势而闻名。学生可以在公司法,商法和贸易方面获得学位集中度;刑法;知识产权与技术法;国际法和比较法;司法,民主与合法权利;以及法规,可持续性和合规性方面的知识,只需在以上任何一个领域中修读超过三分之一的课程即可。



Scholarship: Illinois wants to invest in your future. In recognition of your exceptional academic and personal accomplishments, we are awarding you a scholarship in the amount of $25,000. Unlike some schools, the College of Law does not offer loans, TA, or RA positions as part of the financial package. We prefer to provide scholarship awards with “no-strings attached” so that students can focus their time and energy on their academic and practical pursuits. Students have the option of paying tuition expenses in multiple installments between September and May and are encouraged to seek additional outside funding.  奖学金:伊利诺伊州希望为您的未来投资。为表彰您在学术和个人方面的杰出成就,我们向您提供25,000美元的奖学金。与某些学校不同,法学院不提供贷款,助教或助教职位作为财务计划的一部分。我们更愿意提供“无条件附加条件”的奖学金,以便学生将时间和精力集中在他们的学术和实践追求上。学生可以选择在9月到5月之间分期支付学费,并鼓励他们寻求额外的外部资金。



Flexible LL.M.: This admission offer qualifies you to complete your LL.M. in two semesters or three semesters. Students are encouraged to complete the degree requirements quickly so that they may use the additional time to enhance language or practice skills, prepare for a bar exam, or strengthen their knowledge in a particular field. The decision to continue for a third semester can be made any time from admission through the end of the second semester. If you have already made that decision, please let us know whether you would like a revised admission letter to reflect three semesters. 灵活的法学硕士:录取通知书使您有资格完成法学硕士。在两个学期或三个学期中。鼓励学生迅速完成学位要求,以便他们可以利用额外的时间来提高语言或练习技能,为律师考试做准备或加强他们在特定领域的知识。从入学到第二学期结束的任何时间都可以决定继续第三学期。如果您已经做出决定,请告知我们您是否希望修改后的录取通知书能够反映出三个学期的情况。


Seat Deposit Deadline: To accept your admission offer and hold your space in the 2021 - 2022 LL.M. class, pay a deposit of $750 USD by credit card at https://pages.law.illinois.edu/payment/llm-deposit by May10, 2021. Please note that given expected delays caused by the coronavirus, we urge you to send your deposit and documents as soon as possible. 留位押金截止时间:接受您的录取通知并在2021年至2022LL.M保留您的空间。课程,请在2021510日之前通过信用卡在https://pages.law.illinois.edu/payment/llm-deposit上支付$ 750 USD的押金,请注意,鉴于冠状病毒可能会造成延误,我们敦促您发送尽快存入您的存款和文件。



Visa and I-20 Expertise: The College works closely with the Graduate College to help process your visa documents quickly but they can only do so after your “proof of funding” documents have been submitted and seat deposit has been paid. In recent years, U.S. immigration policies have caused unforeseen delays and denials of student visas. Please provide all documents and secure your visa as soon as possible. VisaI-20专业知识:学院与研究生院紧密合作,帮助您快速处理签证文件,但是只有在提交“资金证明”文件并支付了定金后,他们才能这样做。近年来,美国的移民政策已导致无法预料的延误和拒绝学生签证。请提供所有文件,并尽快确保您的签证。



Law 500: Legal Writing and Research (During the Fall semester): All students are required to take this 2-credit compulsory course, which provides important background on the U.S. legal system, the approach to learning law in a U.S. classroom, basics on legal research and writing, as well as effective communication and classroom participation skills. 法律500:法律写作和研究(秋季学期):所有学生都必须修读这2学分的必修课程,该课程提供了有关美国法律体系的重要背景,在美国课堂上学习法律的方法,法律基础知识研究和写作,以及有效的沟通和课堂参与技能。



Pre-LLM Program: The “Best of American Case Law” program (July 19 – July 30, 2021) is an optional 2-week summer training session available fully online for all international students. It provides students with an advantage in future studies by providing them an opportunity to practice legal English while learning about important U.S. cases. The cost of this online program is offered at a reduced fee of $1,200. Learn more about the program and enroll here: https://law.illinois.edu/academics/courses/the-best-of-american-case-law/法学硕士预科课程:“美国判例法最佳课程”(2021719日至730日)是为期2周的选修课,面向所有国际学生,在线提供。它为学生提供了在学习重要的美国案例的同时练习法律英语的机会,从而为他们在未来的学习中提供了优势。此在线计划的费用为1,200美元的减免费用。了解有关该计划的更多信息并在此处注册:https://law.illinois.edu/academics/courses/the-best-of-american-case-law/


Online Course Option: During the battle against COVID-19, many students and faculty decided to engage in online courses only. As a result, many courses were offered online and several students took a fully remote semester. If this continues for Fall 2021, there may be an option for a small number of students to follow an online course of study even if most students will be taking classes on our Urbana-Champaign campus. If you would like consideration to participate in the "online only" semester, please email your request to law-gradprograms@illinois.edu. This does not guarantee the opportunity to take online classes because we do not yet know at this time the number and variety of classes which will be online. 在线课程选项:在与COVID-19的战斗中,许多学生和教职员工决定只参加在线课程。结果,在线开设了许多课程,几个学生参加了一个完全远程的学期。如果这种情况持续到2021年秋季,即使大多数学生将在我们的Urbana-Champaign校园上课,少数学生也可以选择在线学习课程。如果您想参加“仅在线”学期,请将您的请求通过电子邮件发送至law-gradprograms@illinois.edu。这不能保证有机会参加在线课程,因为我们目前尚不知道在线课程的数量和种类。



We understand you may have additional questions about Illinois and life in our wonderful college town. Some of these may be answered in our guidebook, https://law.illinois.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/LLM_Viewbook-2020-2021.pdf. If you would like to share this information with parents, employers, and sponsors who may not have your English language skills, please email us and we can provide this for you. Information sheets are available in many languages. 我们了解到,您可能对伊利诺伊州和我们美好的大学城的生活还有其他疑问。其中一些可能会在我们的指南https://law.illinois.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/LLM_Viewbook-2020-2021.pdf中得到解答。如果您想与可能不具备英语能力的父母,雇主和赞助商共享此信息,请给我们发送电子邮件,我们可以为您提供此信息。信息表有多种语言版本。



We are excited about the prospect of your joining us for the coming academic year and look forward to welcoming you to the University of Illinois College of Law community. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at law-gradprograms@illinois.edu.







Margareth Etienne
Associate Dean for Graduate and International Programs

Carl L. Vacketta Professor of Law

217.333.6066 | law-gradprograms@illinois.edu | law.illinois.edu

玛格丽特·艾蒂安(Margareth Etienne


卡尔·瓦克塔(Carl L.Vacketta)法学教授

217.333.6066 | law-gradprograms@illinois.edu |法律伊利诺伊州教育


